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                               As a first generation Colombian-American,                                          college graduate, and filmmaker, JFP                                          Productions was founded by New Jersey native Julian F Perez. An umbrella brand meant to highlight any and all film productions where the aforementioned has been significantly involved in the creation process. As such, JFP Productions first saw the light of day in the year 2021, followed by its first major short film "The Bends" (2022), after subsequent 

micro-shorts & projects. As a brand that prioritizes original, impactful, & honest projects, JFP Productions actively seeks spaces & opportunities where this "ikigai" of crafting poignant

stories could best be met.

"THE BENDS" behind-the-scenes

History. Mathematics. Religion. Art. Amongst many others the staples of our livelihoods all began as conditional knowledge, reserved to "word of mouth" via local fables or generational wisdom. But as our mediums developed so to did our stories and their messages, evolving equally as unpredictable as man kind. Throughout history these stories we've heard, retold, and even created have been enough to move mountains, birth entirely new worlds, and most importantly impact our individual and collective experiences.

It is through the great influence of storytelling that JFP Productions

prides its work on, with the ultimate goal of giving audiences the tools

for a more fulfilling individual/shared existence on this big blue marble hurdling across space. 

Julian F. Perez
​College of Science & Liberal Arts
Outstanding Undergraduate Student Award


Our purpose at JFP Productions is to platform stories & experiences that live within the vast dark areas of life in hopes of giving our audience a clearer view of their own dark spots.


"Fools speak because they have to say something, 

Wise mean speak because they have something to say

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